Monthly Archives: August 2007

Sucker for a song

I saw this on a fellow infertile’s Blog a few weeks ago (I didn’t keep track of who it was- I am sorry!). Since then the song has been in my head and has really had an effect on me.

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Beantown and Little Bean?

I had to go to Boston for work last week. It was a great visit. I was able to enjoy Lobster Newburg at the Union Oyster House. I know that isn’t really a low carb dish – but when someone

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Ovulation, Ready, Set, Hike!

I think I might have actually ovulated all on my own this cycle. I had some sharp pains on my right side on Thursday night. And, then I had some other weird pains for the next few days. It is

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La Insulin Résistance!

I was at lunch today with a friend trying to explain insulin resistance. The only thing I kept thinking about was little cells fighting for a revolution….so here you go – my version of La Insulin Résistance – the protesting

Posted in insulin resistance, pcos

Insurance Hell – Already???

I think I mentioned in a previous post that we have new insurance. I was really excited about it because we opted for the one with the slightly larger deductable that covers infertility up to 90percent. I am not sure

Posted in hell, infertility, insurance, pcos

Hi there, nice to meet you, now listen to my life story…

I have been reading infertility blogs for some time now. I decided I am going to give it a shot. Writing is not my talent, but I feel so drawn to share my experiences too. My PCOS journey….Diagnosed in high

Posted in infertility, pcos