Sing a song.
Hope a hope.
Dream a dream.
Listen to advice (but only when it feels right.)
SMILE. Laugh. Be Joyful….
And then keep forever in your Heart
what it is that makes you so happy.
I started and re-started this reflection a few times. There are many trade-offs in life. You have to figure out what is most important and make sure that it is given the emphasis in your life that corresponds with how important it is.
I am not going to say that this time is easy. I have many things that are very important to me. And, even if something (ie my family) is more important to me than something else (ie work or class) that doesn’t mean that the thing of lesser importance is unimportant.
I am doing the best that I can with the resources I have available. And somewhere in it all I am trying to enjoy myself too.
On the commute to work this morning I had a moment of piece and enlightenment that came upon me. I decided that I am just going to be happy. I can only control so much. After that I will let things fall where they may and enjoy the ride.
The quote above was from a card given to me by someone who had a great impact on my life. She was an amazing chorale director and professor at my undergraduate college. I visited there this weekend for a special occasion. She passed away a few years ago from pancreatic cancer. I miss her when I go there, but I am so grateful for the lessons she taught me.
Have a good week, and do whatever it is that makes you so happy.