I think about blog posts that I don’t end up writing.
Most of the time I use this as a place to keep track of what is going on around my life. I rarely write about my insecurities or things that don’t paint things as sunny and bright.
And, that probably won’t change too much…some of the things I could say I hardly want to admit to myself, let alone the world…and then if I said it I would wonder if that made it more true…
like marriage for instance….it is hard, but totally worth it…so every day is not perfect and right now is a pretty stressful time, well with the economy, and job worries, and the new baby and all the day-to-day stuff….and most of the time nadie and i are great, but there are times when it gets rough…for both of us, and it doesn’t mean we aren’t great – it is just real- that is all…
and my insecurities…god i wish i would outgrow them…i usually outsmart them, or just let them pass…but they are hard….they make me a crank to deal with – some days walking on eggshells somedays easy going…i know it is probably normal…and i don’t want to take some pill to become less emotional – although i know many people are helped greatly by taking medications – i just know that for me it isn’t necessary right now…if i reached that stage I would consider it…well anyways that is not where i am…i am alright – just being me…:)
Everything I do
Surrounds these pieces of my life
That always change
Or hey, maybe I’ve changed
Sometimes being happy
Can be self-destructive
Even when you’re sane
Yeah you’re only insane
have a great week, y’all!