Blog Archives

Zerker’s 2 Month Immunizations

Zerker just got her two month shots. Of course, I hated seeing her in pain, but I told her it was for her own good and that she wouldn’t remember it. She screamed like a banshee. Her face was so

Posted in Zerker


Hello all, as promised I am putting this blog on hiatus until we choose to concieve another child….Don’t fret! I have moved! Follow along with my sometimes wacky, sometimes normal life (oh and keep up with how our beautiful little

Posted in infertility

Not in Kansas Anymore

This is the inaugural post of the BGJ blog! I started blogging during our primary struggle with infertility. Since we now have a healthy seven week old little girl, I think it is time to move on to a blog

Posted in life

To create ourselves anew

I am amazed at how much she has grown. She is cooing. Not laughing yet, but she is close and it is so cute… Our first week back to work went well. One night I even had DH pick her

Posted in providence


I went back to work yesterday. I have a LOOONG post half way written. I will have it up before long.In the meantime, this is hilarious….more animals

Posted in life

hi ho hi ho

I went back to work on Monday.The Zerker is being cared for three days a week by a friend (T). I will work from home the other two days. I am sure that will take some figuring out, but I

Posted in work, Zerker

One month

I have been writing this post since Monday….one would think that being at home all the time I have plenty of time to blog. I don’t really feel like I have much time. When I do get a break I

Posted in Zerker

Four weeks!

OMG! From Week 4 Don’t hate me because I am beautiful…. I can’t help myself… Wink, wink, nod, nod…

Posted in Zerker

Once in a Lifetime

Today the Zerker is christened. My brother is in town from DC to be the God Father. (He is actually my godfather too!) And, my sister will be the god mother. I am not going to tell you that these

Posted in life, providence, Zerker

Wordless Wednesday

Posted in wordless wednesday