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Double your pleasure…

2718I think that was the number for this number. I know it was greater than 2700. Seems good to me.The phone call to my RE was wierd.Last friday when I went for a visit everything was moved around in the

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No signs of ectopic in u/s today.Beta 1313Sac found in correct location of the uterus.Another round of beta’s and u/s scheduled for next week.Oh, and RE says it is definitely not a pseudosac. And, she said she was happily eating

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I awoke crying this morning. I am not crying for myself. I know eventually things will work out. I just feel so sorry for the little one. It really tried. It did the best it could. And now, if we

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i just got back from my u/s.Couldn’t find the sac.Based on my numbers my RE thinks it is ectopic. I pretty much agree. I have asked if it is ok to do beta draws on wed and friday and another

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What the Frak? – Updated

25DPO 05May 378 So it is doubling. Low, but doubling.CBC is good. Liver function is good. Not sure what to think. Thank you for all of your support! UpdatedI have a u/s tomorrow, and I am sure I will have

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I see a bad beta rising, again.

I went in for another beta today, expeciting it to fall.It was 119.Now the doctor really doesn’t know what to expect.I am to be on ectopic alert. I don’t see how it could explode at this point if it is

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Down and Out in Beth’s Ut

Well Beta #3 is at 51. So the number is dropping.It is ok.I have to go in for another beta on friday. I expect it to drop again. I am supposed to stop my progesterone and I suppose just wait

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Making sense of it

I am in a much better frame of mind today.I know I will not know much until tomorrow afternoon.The best case is that the number goes way up and all looks fine.If that does not happen, I hope that the

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not quite what we were hoping for

beta 2 – 57Progesterone was well over the 25 that the RE likes to see.I am supposed to go in and get a beta on wednesday.They said to remain cautiously optimistic. I know what that means…. Of course, maybe I

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Starving, tired and waiting

I went in for my second beta this morning.I should know something by three. If I do not, I will call nice nurse #2 at the RE and have her call the location where I had the blood drawn. I

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