Blog Archives


Well, it is a higher number than I have ever seen before.Now I am just waiting to see if it doubles.I have pain on one side and I am worrying about ectopic pregnancies. I guess I should just chill.I am

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Beta Eve

Last weekend we had a wonderful time. The cubbies won in a landslide, had pizza at Gioradonos, got our desks at IKEA, and I got to meet my husband’s friend and his wife. I think the last part was the

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Its all about the O.

I am sure I ovulated yesterday. I was crampy and felt bloated and pressure in the Nether regions all day long. Oh and it was 72 hours after the trigger shot too. So duh, of course I ovulated.It makes me

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One for each Ovary

I went through the femara and the first three injections without incident.The trip to NYC was pretty quick, but I was just thankful that I hadn’t booked on American since they cancelled so many flights.I went for my ultrasound today.My

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Our first Induction Cycle

I know it has been a really long time since I posted. I have been reading everyone’s blogs, but I just didn’t feel like there was much news. Also, I have been wrapping up a huge work project (6 months!!

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Indiana Weather

In the past three hours, we have had: 50 degree weather Raining Thunderstorms High Winds Tornado Warnings Hail Freezing Rain Snow 17 degree weather Welcome to the weather of Indiana.

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Post OP

On January 10th I went in for my post op with RE.She showed me pictures of my surgery. She actually gave me copies which I thought about scanning and posting, but there just seemed to be something gross about posting

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My year…

Um….I was negative three…but I guess you just can’t be eclectic anymore. You Belong in 1974 Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you’re partying or protesting, you give it your all! What Year Do You Belong

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Happy New Year

This song was written by my good friend Gwen Mitchell. I find it is a good one to listen to when you are trying for a fresh start. She has a groovy band in Chicago. So if you have a

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100 things

I have seen a bunch of bloggers do this. I actually started it a few months ago, but man it takes a long time to figure out 100 things you want to share about yourself. 1Breakfast is my favorite meal.2Going

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