Blog Archives

Fun in the Sun

I have a better idea of why it is so hard to post once you get two kiddos….the days fly! Charlie is doing great. He is such a good baby. I think it is a bit of us being more

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“Hello World!” says Charlie!

Charles Guerin Kyle came into the world via a schedule C-Section at 8:58am on May 4, 2010. He weighed 9 lbs 15 ozs. He is 22 inches tall. He got a 9 on his apgar scores. He is beautiful and

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dear little boy

Dear Charlie, This time and closeness with you has been amazing. It has gone by so quickly. You are my surprise love – the one that said hey since you seem to be having so much fun down there do

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what’s going on

After a lot of discernment Nadie and I have made a few decisions. At this point I am going to only take one class this fall. I am turning down the AI that was offered to me. I am continuing

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An Easter Antecedant

Wishing you a rejuvenating resurrection! Enjoy the new life springing about you!

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insomnia Ramblings

Because I am up at 2:52 am, I am going to post this. I am actually in a positive, mood, but I am extremely reflective. Obsessing over strollers, although probably inconsequential and somewhat materialistic, at least passes the time and

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obsessing over strollers

I am one of those people who obsesses over some item until a decision has made. Since December I have been contemplating what to do with the whole double stroller issue. Since Z will still be fairly young, we will

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Perfect Moment Monday – Unconditional

I haven’t done this for a while! Lori says that ‘Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one.’ Here is mine for this week…. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This weekend’s gospel was that of the Prodigal son. I

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acceptance, new places, and wow this is going to be interesting

Friday I got an email from the university I applied to….I got accepted to Grad School. I will be starting a Masters in Human Computer Iteraction and Design. I am completely excited about it. It sort of feels like this

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my funny valentine

Yesterday Nadie and the Zerker and I went to SMWC for brunch…it was a little valentine treat. The Zerker zombie-walked through the halls of Providence Center. She was so good the entire day, from church in the morning to the

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