Blog Archives

Random Tidbits

I have yet to mention (over three months ago) I got an iPhone for Mothers Day. It very quickly became a part of me. I dropped my work blackberry like last weeks girlfriend. So anyways – the coolest part? Nadie

Posted in life, techie, work

mental note

I was thinking a lot about interactions that I have with certain people. Typically these people are older than me. They are amazing and intelligent people. Yet, I am always getting the feeling that they need you to practically fawn

Posted in life, work

Wishing I could Freeze Frame….

It has been a month and I haven’t written one post.I go through these phases, from one extreme to the next sometime, I guess.And while I have been keeping up on my friends blogs (maybe not commenting as much), I

Posted in life, parenting, Zerker


I am listening to ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ during my commute right now. (I drive to the office three days a week, and it is 45 minutes away…so I ‘read’ my books via my iPod on the way to and from…)And

Posted in life, providence, Roller Coaster, work, Zerker

Hello my name is…

Hello ICLWers! This is my first ICLW. It is pretty cool to get to know more bloggers. As for a little bit about myself and where I am on the journey…. I am married – almost 4 years. I affectionately

Posted in icomleavewe, life, work, Zerker


I am so blessed.When I was five years old I met C. Since then, well…she is my girl. I don’t think I have any other relationship like her…it is unconditional Love….not just love….it is unconditional totally awesomeness….I mean I feel

Posted in life, music

Watch out for the crazy bearded lady

Mommy Insomnia Is there such a thing as mom-insomnia? If so, I think I have it. The zerker is sleeping pretty solidly from 9:30pm-ish to 5:30-6:30am-ish, I on the otherhand am waking up pretty much every hour. I know it

Posted in life, marriage, Roller Coaster

Search for Cavil…the End

Tonight one of my favorite TV shows of all time ends…the newer version of Battlestar Galactica. Nadie and I have enjoyed it since the second season. That is when I convinced him before it started to purchase the first season

Posted in life, techie

Kiss me, I’m Irish!

I am VERY irish. Both of my parents were mostly from Ireland, with a few Italian exceptions here and there…..So Happy St. Patricks Day!We celebrated with Bangers and Mash because I forgot to buy Corned Beef. Nadie doesn’t really like

Posted in life, lolbabies, Zerker

Not in Kansas Anymore

This is the inaugural post of the BGJ blog! I started blogging during our primary struggle with infertility. Since we now have a healthy seven week old little girl, I think it is time to move on to a blog

Posted in life