Blog Archives

Sickness runs amok

So…wow..i have been really bad at posting…work is really keeping me busy…i have this super big project that I had to have pretty much spec’ed out before my vacation and it has been taking my focus and creativity… Our vacation

Posted in parenting, Zerker

Wishing I could Freeze Frame….

It has been a month and I haven’t written one post.I go through these phases, from one extreme to the next sometime, I guess.And while I have been keeping up on my friends blogs (maybe not commenting as much), I

Posted in life, parenting, Zerker


Last night I stayed after work a bit to hang with a few friends. This means nadie picked up the Zerker. I really only got home thirty minutes later than usual, but I still had a bit of down time

Posted in parenting, Zerker

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

This post is sort of long…sorry. I started it a few days ago and it seems to have a mind of its own…. Things are going well. I am very tired, as you might have noticed in that last post.I

Posted in parenting, Zerker


Posted in parenting, Zerker